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About Our Team
An Elementary school is a place where the first social and community life of your child start. It becomes a second home for boys and girls, all of whom are naturally curious about the world around them, as well as excited about learning.
Teddy Academy’s curriculum is designed to build on this natural curiosity and to channel the enthusiasm of the boys into a lifelong love for learning, discovery and understanding.Throughout all four grades of our education boys and girls are exposed to a rich, broad curriculum through which they develop a strong foundation of basic academic skills, as well as a vast range of experiences in which they can learn, create and imagine, culminating in the Fourth Grade with opportunities to lead.
The program challenges each boy as appropriate and helps develop a love of reading and writing, competence in and excitement about mathematics, and the beginning skills of inquiry and research. The boys explore the worlds of music, art, and drama, giving voice to their creative spirits, and participate every day in physical activities that utilize the boys’ innate need for movement and exercise. Spanish is introduced to the boys in the 1st Grade.
who we are
Meet Our Team

TeacherJohn Johnson

TeacherIrene Doe

TeacherAlex Buoyega

TeacherJessica Ford

TeacherHassan Abaza

TeacherPaula Walker
We Enjoy Working
What People Say

I was recommended to choose Teddy Academy as a primary school for my son. I visited school, talked to teachers and pupils and found so many opportunities here, that I had no doubts what decision to take. My son is now in elementary schools, but he still remembers Teddy Academy.
Emma Doe

I must admit, I loved teaching staff from our first meeting. I saw they are intelligent, open-hearted and educated. All my children attended Teddy Academy and had a very strong base for further education. I can strongly recommend this school to all parents who are looking for it now.
Tom Ford

I want to thank all teachers who do their best to provide our children with qualitative and useful knowledge. They perfectly mix education and play, and children are very satisfied with such approach to lessons. My daughter is a graduate and she is ready to study in elementary school.
Marta Stewart
Apply Letter for Admission to Primary School
We welcome parents and their beloved kids to join our team and start education in Teddy Academy!